Showfreight Transport
Mainfreight Special Services has years of experience in Showfreight Transport. By using the right equipment, we deliver the goods to the stands, both nationally as well as abroad.
Showfreight Transport
Mainfreight Special Services has years of experience in delivering goods for companies to exhibitions, fairs or trade shows - Showfreight Transport. We offer worldwide logistic services for the tradeshow industry. By using the right equipment, we deliver the goods to the stands, national as well as abroad.
Complex situations often occur before, during and after an exhibition. Due to the tight time management at an exhibition center, it’s nearly impossible to include these kinds of shipments in the normal distribution process. With our dedicated team of Showfreight specialists, we deliver the goods to the stands. Your delivery arrives, at the right place, at the right time, by the right person. We provide service from start to finish.
We offer:
- Global transportation (Road, Air & Ocean transport)
- Customs clearance
- Fixed time deliveries
- Deliveries up to the stand
- Assembly work by experienced and / or trained members
- Storage
- Disposal of goods
- Pallet and packaging services
- Onsite handling
Specialised in Showfreight transport
Our Special Services Team is specialised of having the right material available at any time, this can be a truck with taillift, but also pump trucks, blankets etc. If necessary, we can support in bringing your goods to the stand and pick it up again.
We understand your needs and make sure your tradeshow will be a success.
Interested? Get in touch with our Special Services Team via or dial +31 (0)314 678 237.
Single point of contact
One single point of contact, for all your European shipments, who understands your business. This combined with pro-active communication.
Distribution network
Your products are controlled through our comprehensive European partner network ensuring high efficiency in deliveries to any country in Europe.
Local expertise
Our local branch network means we understand your business, make fast decisions and recognise opportunities which simply aren’t apparent when doing business at a distance.

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