Corporate Governance

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Mainfreight’s Code of Ethics and Conduct draws on the Three Pillars, and sets out the ethical and behavioural standards. Download PDF to read more.

Board Charter

Board Charter

This charter sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors of Mainfreight Limited (the Board). Download to read more.

Audit Committee Charter

Audit Committee Charter

The Board of Mainfreight Limited (the Board) has established a sub-committee of the Board to be known as the Audit Committee (the Committee), the objectives, membership, duties and responsibilities. Download to read more

Diversity Policy

Diversity Policy

Mainfreight recognises the benefits of diversity to the Company’s long-term performance and in achieving its goals and strategies, through the following. Download to read more.

Remuneration Committee Charter

Remuneration Committee Charter

The Board of Mainfreight Limited (the Board) has established a sub-committee of the Board to be known as the Remuneration Committee (the Committee), the objectives, membership, duties and responsibilities. Download to read more.

Remuneration Policy

Remuneration Policy

Mainfreight recognises that remuneration for its Directors and Senior Executives should be structured to be simple, clear and fair. Download to read more



This document is the Constitution of Mainfreight Limited as adopted by the Company by Special Resolution on the 30th day of July 2019. Download to read more.

Continuous Disclosure Policy

Continuous Disclosure Policy

As Mainfreight Limited (the Company) is listed on the NZX Main Board, Mainfreight’s Continuous Disclosure Policy and supporting practices have been established. Download to read more.

Guidelines for Anti-Corruption Practices

Guidelines for Anti-Corruption Practices

All Mainfreight Team Members are required to comply with all applicable “anti-corruption” laws in all countries in which Mainfreight operates, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”). Download to read more.

Share Trading Policy

Share Trading Policy

The Policy below applies to all directors, officers and team members (“Restricted Persons”) of Mainfreight and its subsidiaries who intend to trade in Mainfreight’s listed securities. Download to read more.

Whistle Blower Policy

Whistle Blower Policy

This Policy sets out the processes in place by which team members are able to raise concerns about actual or suspected contravention of the Company’s ethical and legal standards without fear of reprisal, or feeling threatened by doing so. Download to read more.

Whistle Blower Policy (Australia)

Whistle Blower Policy (Australia)

This Policy sets out the processes in place by which team members are able to raise concerns about actual or suspected contravention of the Company’s ethical and legal standards without fear of reprisal, or feeling threatened by doing so. Download to read more.

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U.S. Disclaimer - Unsponsored ADR (American Depositary Receipts)

Global Reporting Initiative – Disclosure 2-7 Workforce

Global Reporting Initiative – Disclosure 2-7 Workforce

For the year ended 31 March 2024, Mainfreight's global workforce numbered 10,644, made up of our Team and our Owner Drivers. Download analysis in support of GRI Disclosure 2-7.

New Zealand's Exchange

This is an official site operated by NZX Limited to provide alternative access to the market announcements :

Download the Shareholder App by Reap:


Ready Fire Aim

The Mainfreight Story by Keith Davies
Having a book published about us is exciting, and to have an author and publisher back our story as one that readers can both enjoy and learn from is a suprisingly rewarding acknowledgement.  For us we've always thought our story was worth telling, and many of our team were probably lured into the company by others telling the legends of the early days and the vision of where we will go next. 

Read more about the book and how you can get a copy here.
Quote of the Day

Live with integrity

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