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EDI Developer - Support | Rotterdam
Are you a real problem solver, a team player and analytical? This job might be IT for you. Geddit? IT.
Mainfreight is built on a 100-year vision whereby the only way to keep ahead of our competitors is by reinventing ourselves with time and growth. At Mainfreight, decisions are made on the basis that we will be here for another 100 years from today. We look for decisive, innovative people, hungry to grow our non-hierarchical business. Are you someone who can help us develop our systems to delight our customers and increase our efficiency?
More about Electronic Data Interchange...
As an EDI Developer, you are the guru of reinvention!
You are responsible for data accuracy in our systems and making sure our information exchange runs as smoothly as possible. You understand the importance of implementing data in the correct way and at the right time. The investment in this role is a huge step for our business towards automation and optimization for our Air & Ocean customers. We are looking for the right kind of person that will revolutionize our productivity. To hit the ground running with this role, you already have experience with CargoWise and CrossFire. However, even without this experience, you may be able to persuade us that you are the perfect fit for this role and you know how to get shit done.
More about you...
As an EDI Developer, you have to coordinate with customers and team members, which means you are actually good at talking with people. You are focused on finding solutions and you are not afraid of rolling your sleeves up. A customer friendly and result oriented ICT Developer is exactly what we are looking for. The most important thing for us is that you fit within our company and you are eager to challenge yourself.
What we offer you
In the fast developing world of ICT it is important to keep developing yourself. To add value, you have to be ahead of the game with your up to date skills. As an EDI Developer, you will get extensive on the job training. We offer plenty of opportunities to expand your knowledge on IT, automation and of course your knowledge of the freight industry.
You will be working in a family of 8000+ strong team members worldwide. We see each other as a family and share mealtimes. At the same time, we are focused on performance. You have to have a good head on your shoulders to make this role your own because your role will be very diverse and independent, you will have the freedom and responsibility to develop yourself and your role. As part of the role, you must be able to travel both domestically and internationally.
So, do you think you’ll fit within our company and are you ready to boost your career? Please get in touch with our European Manager Air & Ocean Jason Braid jason.braid@eu.mainfreight.com
Veelgestelde vragen
Wat doen we?
Onze business is op te delen in drie 'business units' die nauw samenwerken:
Wie zijn we?
In 2011 heeft Mainfreight de Wim Bosman groep overgenomen. Dit biedt verdere mogelijkheden om het internationale wereldwijde netwerk van Mainfreight uit te breiden met branches verspreid over heel Europa.
We hebben een 100-jarige visie, dit betekent dat ieder persoon beslist en een impact heeft op onze business voor de volgende 100 jaar. Deze lange-termijn visie leidt ons als een business en bepaalt onze acties dagelijks. Terwijl we uitbreiden naar de grootste handelsnaties over de hele wereld, blijven wij uitsteken tussen de concurrentie voor de juiste redenen: geen compromis op kwaliteit, flexibiliteit en onze unieke cultuur.
Hoe ziet de bedrijfscultuur er uit?
We geloven in hard werken, maar maken ook veel lol terwijl we dit doen! Ons team maakt zelf de beslissingen en heeft iets te zeggen over hoe wij de dingen hier doen.
Hoe gaat mijn carrière zich ontwikkelen?
Wanneer je de basis op de werkvloer hebt geleerd, groei je door naar andere delen van onze business, waar je de juiste mix van zelfstandigheid en ondersteuning krijgt. We geloven dat slimme mensen de specifieke aspecten van iedere rol kunnen leren. Wij helpen je daarom liever bij het ontwikkelen van persoonlijke en professionele vaardigheden die je helpen om iedere rol binnen onze business te bekleden.
Onze business verandert continue en we bekijken constant nieuwe manieren hoe wij ons team vaardigheden van wereldklasse kunnen helpen ontwikkelen, die onze business de toekomst in zullen leiden.
Wat bieden jullie op het gebied van training en ontwikkeling?
Onze ontwikkelingsprogramma’s omvatten:
- Een volledig inductieprogramma
- Doorgroeimogelijkheden naar andere delen van onze business
- Gestructureerde leiderschapsprogramma’s
- Persoonlijk leiderschapstrainingen

Jason Braid | European Manager Air & Ocean
T: +31 102 992 802
E: jason.braid@eu.mainfreight.com