About the Mainfreight Development Programme

If you want to dive into the dynamic, fast paced world of supply chain and you’re not afraid to step outside your comfort zone, you’ve come to the right place. We believe in developing our team members of the future today, because we know that they will be driving our business tomorrow and for the next 100 years. We look for people that see the long term impact they will have on our business. 

If you're ready for the challenge of a lifetime, read on!

On the job learning

By joining our three-year Mainfreight Development Programme, you will receive the ideal combination of ‘doing’ and ‘learning’. Right from the start, you will get to work in an operational role whilst benefitting from a clearly defined structure of training and coaching. You will have the opportunity to work in different roles within our business units, Air & Ocean, Warehousing and Transport. As we are a global business, we offer you the opportunity to fill roles in our branches across Europe.

Let the journey start!

Let the journey start!

A taste of the programme

from the horse's mouth...

Working at Mainfreight

Julian's career

From Belgium to the USA, hear what Dries has to say!

Our programme

Our programme

Our Mainfreight Development Programme focuses on your individual development and career path. It is a three year programme where you will learn more about your strengths and your interests within Mainfreight; whether that's in a leadership role, sales, operations, business development, IT, or finance, it’s up to you! To further your development you will participate in multiple personal leadership courses, presenting courses and networking sessions with the our European trainees. You can put training into practice by taking on improvement projects within your role. This is a great way to see just how big your impact on our business can be!

Looking after our people is a key part of our culture at Mainfreight and you will receive coaching from your  manager or team leader. We also plan coaching sessions for you and the programme coordinator to reflect on your development, where you want your career to go, and how we can help get you there. 

What we look for

What we look for

Every decision we make at Mainfreight today, we do so while looking at the next 100 years. We look for people who understand the long term benefits of learning from the ground up and gaining a broad base of experience. We also look for people who:

  • Recently graduated with a bachelor or masters degree

  • Hold a European passport

  • Are passionate about starting a career in the supply chain industry

  • Speak proficient English and have a high command of either Dutch, French, German, Romanian, Polish, Italian, or Spanish

Do you think you have what it takes to become a Mainfreight legend? Then we want to hear from you! Get in touch with us, or hit apply now!

Wait... there's more!

Mainfreight Development Programme

Vuoi sapere in cosa consiste il nostro programma pluripremiato? Dai un’occhiata qui sotto!

Incontra i nostri collaboratori

Scopri cosa dicono i nostri Leader del futuro riguardo al nostro programma!

Candidatura e suggerimenti

Vuoi candidarti? Abbiamo stilato degli utili consigli che ti saranno d’aiuto!

Frequently asked questions about our programme

Quando posso candidarmi?

Qui facciamo le cose diversamente. Anziché avere posizioni sempre aperte, abbiamo scelto di assumere talenti solo nei ruoli e nei momenti in cui lo riteniamo necessario. Per noi, non è solo questione di numeri ma di persone. Assumiamo quanti talenti siano necessari, durante tutto l’anno!

Per quali sedi posso candidarmi?

I nostri neolaureati lavorano in tutte le sedi d’Europa. Dove lavorerai dipende dalle posizioni aperte al momento della candidatura. Solitamente comunque il primo ruolo è nel Paese di residenza. Nel corso della tua carriera in Mainfreight, si presenterà sicuramente l’occasione per lavorare in un altro Paese europeo. Tieni pronto il passaporto!

Se invece hai in mente una destinazione specifica, faremo il possibile per trovare un ruolo adatto a te in quella sede, se non dall’inizio, non appena se ne presenterà l’opportunità.

Posso perseguire un percorso di carriera internazionale?

Certo! Accompagniamo i Leader del futuro che lo desiderino in un percorso di carriera europeo. Idealmente la tua carriera inizia nel Paese della lingua nativa; dove andrai dopo dipende da te e dalle posizioni disponibili nei vari Paesi. Tutto ciò che devi fare è alzare la mano!

Dovrò fare esperienza in tutte le divisioni aziendali?

Non ci sono rotazioni predeterminate, e nessun percorso professionale è uguale all’altro per i nostri tirocinanti. Dove andrai dipende da te e dalle disponibilità del momento. Fai clic QUI per scoprire di più sui percorsi professionali intrapresi dai nostri Leader del futuro.

Massai Amanupunnjo | Recruiter Mainfreight Development Programme
T: +31 314 672 777
E: careers.eu@mainfreight.com

Let the journey start!

Let the journey start!

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