Latest Brexit news

Over the past few months we have kept you informed about the possible consequences of the Brexit. Hereby we would like to send you a short update. The Brexit Act, containing the deal of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was officially adopted by the British Parliament with a large majority of votes on Thursday 9 January. For a Brexit on 31 January, only the British House of Lords and the European Parliament still have to formally approve the law.

The British will therefore leave the EU on 31 January. After that, a transition period will start, which according to this law will last until the end of December 2020, regardless of whether or not a trade agreement has been reached with the EU. According to the President of the European Commission, more time will probably be needed to reach a new trade agreement and a series of other agreements. As a result, a no deal Brexit as of 1 January 2021 is still lurking. We as Mainfreight will therefore continue to prepare for a hard Brexit.

Business as usual

What does all this mean for now? For the time being, you can continue to send shipments to and from the UK as usual. If there is more clarity about the exact details and consequences of the Brexit, we will inform you about this.

Quote of the Day

The expert in anything was once a beginner

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