07 December 2021

Team Mexico City's - Ricardo Dordelly

Mainfreight Mexico City embodies the importance of living the Mainfreight culture daily to shape interpersonal relationships of customers and team members and touch every aspect of how business is done. Regional Sales Manager, Ricardo Dordelly, has worked with the Mexico City (TLP) branch for 18 months. Most of his tenure has been during the global pandemic that has brought never before seen challenges, he has realized how powerful maintaining mutual reltationships are, even in a virtual setting. 
We had a chance to do a catch-up with Ricardo below.
How long have you and the team been working remotely? What is the key to remaining in contact and stay connected?
Mexico-Team-1.jpg“Our team has been away from the office since April 2020, although this will soon change. The vaccine program is beginning to gain traction, thus many will be able to get the medicine now throughout the end of the year. Our team will return slowly and work in split shifts to reduce contact once on site.
 We place a strong importance on communication. We     have virtual calls twice a week. While the calls may vary      based on what the business yields, the branch managers   and sales team stress the importance of speaking to operational team members face to face or in this case screen to screen. I believe you can truly know what a person is feeling with this type of communication. This is so important in these times. It may be easier to send an email, but I tell anyone to pick up a phone whenever possible.”

Where do you start with virtual selling? What has changed in regards to Mainfreight customer opportunities?
“The Mexican culture is warm and inviting, so we are very open with our customers. I find it best to be personable and gain their trust rather than going in with a sales pitch too early. The potential customer will want to forget you in that instance. If you continue to nurture a bond, the customer will begin to listen to what you have to offer.”

Our region has noticed an exponential growth in eCommerce and a multitude of delivery services develop in regards to groceries, alcohol and household goods. I understood the customers logisitcs needs would continue to soar therefore two opportunities that arose are a company manufacturing motorcycle transportation parts shipped all across Mexico. Also a cross border client that makes and distributes bottled glass from food storage to alcoholic beverages.“

What has the pandemic taught you? Have you gained any new skills?
“Where I live, there was time period where we were very low on medical supplies and ventilators for those who were ill. I did my best with the shipping contacts to get supplies to those in need. The situation is so different for each family, so I have learned to be more empathetic. The old saying of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. We cannot always know what is going on in people’s minds, but we can always be kind.”
I have also been able to return to school and am pursuing a master’s degree in logistics. As a fun task, I am also growing my known languages as I am practicing French and Italian. I knew them once in high school, so I hope it comes back to my memory quickly!”

Mainfreight MX
Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho No.2900, Suite 704
Fraccionamiento Los Pirules

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