Sales Cadet, Mainfreight Transport - Newark, NJ

| Transport | Newark, NJ


We are seeking an ambitious person to join our Newark sales team in the role of Sales Cadet. You will follow a structured program that will teach you about our operations from the ground up, in time using that knowledge to full effect in a sales role. A large part of the cadetship will be spent in sales support, where you will have direct contact with our customers and take ownership over quoting, which has a huge impact on our revenue and margin growth.

This exciting role would best suit a professional, driven, passionate individual who is looking for the opportunity to learn about, and carve out their career sales. You will play an integral role in driving revenue and margin growth for our Newark branch.

The ideal candidate:

  • Embraces our business and culture
  • Has a hunger to succeed and is willing to knock down every door in New Jersey and New York to drive growth
  • Cares about our customers and wants to strengthen our partnerships by providing exceptional service
  • Is passionate about driving revenue and margin growth
  • Loves working as part of a team

The role:

  • A 12-18 month cadetship equipping you with the skills to succeed in sales
  • Working on our AM and PM operation
  • Time in with every team in our branch to learn complete operation
  • Sales support – quoting, account implementation and exposure to face to face meetings

If you are interested in this role, please discuss with your Branch Manager first and then contact Sebastian Smith. Sebastiani>

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