27 October 2022

Mainfreight Americas Air - CCSF Facilities

Mainfreight has met a variety of rigorous security standards regulated by TSA to gain Certified Cargo Screening Facility certification to screen cargo at our air freight branches. The screening process is completed by trained team members in designated screening areas of our warehouses - ensuring we reduce the time of your freight movement and increase supplying the goods to the hands of your customers.DSC02779-1-1.jpg

Benefits Include!Trained and certified Mainfreight team member processing and screening your cargo
  • Quick in house processing reduces transit and the amount of hands on freight 
  • Maintain integirty of the cargo throughout the supply chain process
  • Screening completed via K9, physical inspections, EDS and X-Ray
  • All freight tendered "pre-screen" for later cut off at airlines 

Contact us online

If you have a question or would like to find out more about our services, ask us today.


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