Ghent Mainfreight Warehousing

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Location overview of our warehouse in Ghent
In September 2017, we opened our warehouse in Ghent. This warehouse has a storage capacity of 8,500 m2, and can be extended to 30,000 m2. This brings our warehousing footprint to 120,000 m2 in Belgium (Ostend and Ghent) and 340,000 m2 in Europe. In addition to the existing sites for warehousing and distribution activities in Ostend, Ghent, Genk and offices for Air and Ocean freight activities in Brussels and Antwerp, Mainfreight organises Warehousing, Distribution and Value Added Services from Ghent.
Strategic location
From this new location, situated in the heart of the industrial area of Belgium, with good access to sea and inland waterways as well as the Belgian main roads (E17 and E40), we can offer customers an even higher performance and service level.
Some facts and figures
- 8,500 m2 multi-customer warehouse
- 8 loading docks
- Shared team canteen
- Proximity (<2km) to container barge terminal
This facility is built according to the latest standards, where we can provide our customers with food logistics, ambient products as well as dangerous goods.

Our European warehousing capabilities in action
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