21 August 2017

CSCMP & Truckstop.com recognize & congratulate Mainfreighter, Daniel Smeltzer

The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals and Truckstop.com recently awared Mainfreighter Daniel Smeltzer top prize in their annual call for Papers.  

The Call for Papers for Young Professionals is an opportunity for young professional and student members age 30 and under to demonstrate their ability to think futuristically and deliver potential solutions. The sponsors, Truckstop.com and CSCMP, evaluated candidates on their skills to provide creative insights and innovative solutions while answering one of the three questions below, as well as their abilities to add genuine value to supply chain.

Per Truckstop.com, "Daniel provided a thorough response that was well documented with supporting research.  It was a well cited APA format and showed that he clearly took the time to support his argument and deliver a complete response."

Congratulations, Daniel!

For those interested, the options for the submision topic are below:


The trucking industry dictates a large portion of the supply chain flow within the United States. Over the last year, technological advancements have created the targeting of new markets within the trucking industry. Portions of the trucking industry are taking advantage of the technology and others are not, since the benefits have yet to be fully proven or vetted. Please choose one of the following questions below to answer concerning a specific area within the Supply Chain, keeping in mind its importance for the Supply Chain.

Please select one of the following questions to answer:

1.As safety concerns on our nation’s roads increase, vehicle manufacturers are adopting technology to reduce human error. Europe and China are actively using platooning and autonomous vehicles in an attempt to increase the efficiency of how goods are delivered while the United States has just begun limited testing. How do you see autonomous vehicles affecting the supply chain and the economy?

2.Concerns surrounding the environment are strengthening. Vehicle manufacturers are offering alternative fuel source options with next to zero vehicle emissions. Energy companies, too, are coming up with fuel sources that are cleaner than fossil fuels. However, creating an infrastructure to replace current refueling stations will be expensive and limited once created. Will the rollout of hydrogen vehicles limit transportation lanes and strain the supply chain?

3.The trucking industry is one of the most highly regulated industries in the United States. Each new regulation has the potential to limit productivity and slow down the supply chain. With new leadership in Washington, D.C. talk of limiting and possibly removing regulations has become a popular idea. How do recent regulations (or their removal) affect the supply chain and how can young professionals create change?



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