28 September 2012


Since its inception in 2001 Books in Homes Australia have supplied 1,042,830 books of choice to 200,200 students from 374 schools across Australia.

Already sponsoring a number of schools since the Books in Homes inception in Australian in 2001; we are now adding another two schools to the Mainfreight family, the Majella Catholic primary School in Perth and Elizabeth South Primary School in Adelaide.

We are proud of our continuing relationship with the Books in Homes program and are happy to support so many schools worldwide. The program provides books-of-choice to families and children living in remote and low socio-economic circumstances across Australia and throughout the world.

Our Mainfreight Books in Homes Community

Books In Homes - Australia CommunityMajella Primary School is the lowest socioeconomic status school in Perth. Of the 112 families attending the school, only 36 % are literate or can speak English. Some students, upon arriving at school, are unsure of how to hold a book. Through our sponsorship in the Books in Homes program, the children of these schools receive three books of their choice three times a year. 25% of the books that the children can choose from are written by indigenous authors.

Our Mainfreight team receive many thank you letters, newsletters and artwork from all schools that we sponsor. The principal of Majella Primary School, Ms Lina Bertolini noted “our students now have access to quality literature that will open them to the wonderful world of books. For many children, this is a regular experience but for most of Majella’s students it would only be a dream if not for your support.”

Literacy is widely recognised as one of the most important foundations for success in school and later life and the Book in Homes program ensures crucial early literacy engagement and the development of reading skills needed for lifelong success.

In line with Mainfreight’s 100 year vision, we are committed to helping develop the leaders of tomorrow and as such are committed to the Books in Homes foundation and its initiatives.

Our community sponsorship of Books in Homes is something we have taken to the world since we have grown and we are committed to making it possible to give children the chance to own their own books through this program. Want to find out how you can join in and make a real life difference to the lives of children in Australia and throughout the world? Feel free to jump on the Books in Homes website here or contact one of our team members.

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