16 November 2020

Transport Service Coronavirus

We would like to keep you informed about the influence of the coronavirus on the transport market through this site. Mainfreight keeps a close eye on developments. We take measures to protect employees and customers, but we also try to keep our services as normal as possible.

Update 16 November 2020

Unfortunately, we have to report again that the rules in Europe have been further tightened to prevent an even further spread of the coronavirus. Each country takes its own measures. Some countries have even gone into full or partial lockdown. This usually means closing all non-essential stores and allowing only essential activities outdoors. For the time being, Europe is still fully accessible for goods transport. 

We as Mainfreight still drive to and from all countries and do our utmost to bring your goods to their destination. However, delays may occur and there may be fewer departures to certain destinations. To our regret this has an impact on our transit times and deliveries. We would also like to draw your attention to the great demand for transport towards the end of the year. In addition to corona, this will have an impact on our timetable. So book your shipments on time!

All European Mainfreight branches are open and operational. When booking your shipments, we urgently ask you to check whether the addresses are being used and whether loading and unloading is possible. It is very important that we only receive shipments with addresses where loading and unloading can take place. If the pickup or delivery address is closed, we kindly ask you to book your shipment only when these addresses are open again. If we are unable to deliver a shipment because of a (temporarily) closed unloading address, we are obliged to return this shipment to you. We will have to charge you for any extra costs.

Also pay extra attention to mentioning correct contact information when booking the shipment so that we have the correct and complete information at our disposal.

If you have any questions, please contact your account manager or our sales team (sales.be@be.mainfreight.com).

More information

TLN maintains an up-to-date and insightful overview of the measures that apply to the transport of professional goods by country in Europe: www.tln.nl/coronavirus-en-landeninformatie

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