25 July 2018

All Australian export air cargo to be examined at piece level prior to uplift onto an aircraft | July 2018

The Australian Government is changing the way cargo must be handled. The best course of action is to become a known consignor which can reduce the impact of these new regulations. The Mainfreight team will issue more detailed information once the implementation of these new regulations become clearer.

When will this come into effect?

March 1st 2019.

What is Piece-level examination?

Piece-level refers to examination at the lowest level of deconsolidation; that is, each individual box, carton or other item. Examination must occur at piece-level before cargo can be uplifted onto an aircraft.

What will this affect?

Affected will be all export air cargo to world destinations.

What does this mean for you?

  • If your business is already approved as a Known Consignor (USA), you will be able to use your security program for air cargo you export to all other international destinations.
  • If your business exports particularly large volumes of air cargo and you are not a Known Consignor, you are encouraged to join the Known Consignor program. 
  • If your business exports cargo by air and you do not want to consider the Known Consignor Program, it is important you speak with Mainfreight as soon as possible to discuss your business.

What does this mean for Mainfreight?

Mainfreight are currently holding discussions with the Department of Infrastructure regarding RACA accreditation. This will mean we will be able to security clear your cargo and lodge at the airline with minimum to no delays. We will keep you advised on the progression of these discussions as they unfold.

What if I have more questions?

Further information can be found at on the transport security webpages or speak with us directly.

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